Hug A Teacher ~ thinking of the educators in the Connecticut shooting.

I was fortunate enough years ago to be an educator in our public school system. I taught elementary education for seven years, most of them as a substitute teacher.

My first year out of my graduate teaching program I landed a job teaching 5th grade. It was one of the hardest years of my life and one of the most rewarding. After that year I began substitute teaching and started my seminar program.

As I watched the stories of the Connecticut school shooting unfold today I felt myself tearing up throughout the day. I heard stories of teachers and administrators who cared for their dear children and did what they could to protect them and keep them calm. My heart breaks for that community and for the little ones who’s innocents were snatched away from them today. I’m proud of the teachers who cared for the kids and treated them like their own.

I watched the following clip this evening and had to share it:

As much as people complain about the education system and the quality of teachers these days, there are many amazing teachers still. The great teachers get into this field because they love the kids. They love to inspire, teach, and shape young minds. They put in countless hours before and after school. The great teachers fall in love with our kids. They begin to see them as their own. And unfortunately like the events of today we are seeing that the great teachers and educators are putting their lives in harms way for their kids.

I remember my 5th grade class like it was yesterday. I gave them my blood sweat and tears, and loved them like they were my own. Those 10 & 11 year olds are now 19 & 20 year olds. I’ve kept in contact with some of them, even Facebook friends with a handful. They still call me Mr. To even though I have given them permission to call me by my first name.  I know it seems weird, but honestly I still feel invested in these kids (young adults.)

I have great respect for our educators. They have such a tremendous responsibility already, and shouldn’t have to worry for their lives when they step onto school grounds.

If you know a teacher give them a hug today.

Raising Daddy Tip of The Day 

Instead of allowing your kids to focusing on the negative press and they scary bad guys, point out the helpers and find all the caring and loving people.

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